Manual Handling vs Automation

29 November
Many businesses start out handling tax and compliance notices manually. That’s to be expected, as new enterprises may not yet understand how much time it can take or the scope of the responsibility. Unfortunately, they often underestimate the true cost of keeping up with payroll, federal, state, and local tax notices, and compliance as the complexity of the business evolves. Manual processes not only introduce risk but make scaling quickly difficult.
Many hold off on investing in tax automation technology initially, fearing they don’t have the time, budget, or staffing to research and implement a tax notice and compliance automation system. They may be worried that they’ll underestimate their future needs and be saddled with a system that was inadequate for scaling their business
Others may not give tax notice automation this much thought, as they are consumed with other concerns that they feel are more pressing.
At some point, however, the choice between manual handling vs. automation is inevitable. In our next blog we will explore the pros and cons of each, along with risks and costs, so that you are better informed to make a decision.
To read our eBook on Manual Handling vs Automation in full please use this link Manual Handling vs Automation eBook
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