What is CRM for Notice Compliance
16 March
So, what exactly is a CRM solution for tax notice compliance? Well, traditional CRM solutions help automate and manage the customer lifecycle for both sales and marketing departments. It consolidates customer information into a single repository so users can better organize and manage relationships, automate common processes and productivity.
A CRM for tax notice compliance is no different except it manages the lifecycle of a notice. Just like a traditional CRM, it consolidates notice information into a repository so that users can better organize and manage notice and agency relationships, automate common notice workflows and increase productivity.
Quite simply, it manages a notice from receipt, to research, to payment or refund and finally the closure of the notice. Capturing and documenting every detail of the lifecycle along the way.
Traditional CRM solutions offer three major benefits to companies; easy access to data, streamlined process through automation and actionable insights. CRM for Notice Compliance is no different.
- Easy access to data: Notice Compliance CRM solutions include searchable databases that allow users to search notice and agency information in real time thus always providing the most up-to-date information.
- Streamlined process through automation: Notice Compliance CRM solutions let users standardize workflows and processes to optimize efficiencies and ensure compliance. Some solutions like NoticeNinja have automated notice workflows that are built on industry best practices for compliance and modified to support each company’s own unique processes.
- Actionable insists into business performance and notice compliance behavior. Notice Compliance CRM solutions offer analytics functionality, where users can create customizable dashboards and reports based on data that is relevant to them. Data such as company totals for active, overdue, and closed notices as well as workflow and task activity detail, entered versus completed, average days, time spent working and aging information.